Jay Chaufhuri


Indicator Development for the Survillance of Urban Emergencies (IDSUE)

IDSUE programme has developed an easy to use set of indicators to identify a food security emergency in an urban context and the thresholds against which different levels of an emergency could be declared. I served as the Technical Coordinator, where I led a small team of data analysts and field coordinators (who managed a large team of field staff) for three years. I was responsible for the technical design and analysis, managing partnerships and working with various external stakeholders.

Before IDSUE, all major humanitarian thresholds were based on rural contexts. Large data collection in the largest informal settlements of Nairobi helped determine the critical variables for longer-term monitoring. Developing IDSUE required 1) Sampling: developing a sampling strategy which could be repeated each month 2) Modeling: developing a model for statistical inference on highly vulnerable populations 3) Replication: developing tools and framework so that other partners could collect and analyze data for other informal settlements in Kenya.

Concern Worldwide worked closely with the following partners: Kenya Red Cross, Oxfam, World Vision and Nairobi County. It was funded by USAID - Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance.

Findings Report

Technical brief

Polcy brief